On 5.11.11 Hannah Grace turned three months old!
And today, on Friday the 13th, she is 13 weeks!
So, what have we been up to lately? Well, mommy is back to work 3 days a weeks now, which is good for my productivity there, but not so much on the homefront (hence the lacking posts). We are SUPER busy just keeping up with our everyday schedules. HG is a pretty predictable little lady, though, so that definitely helps.
Enjoying a morning snooze in the swing with her babydoll! |
There haven't been any big feats since the roll-over, but we're still practicing that trick... if HG wants to, of course. She is smiling a lot and is so close to giggling we can't stand it! Cooing and mumbling has also increased... we're pretty sure she's developed her own little language.
Aside from the [wonderful] everyday routine, here's some extras our family has enjoyed lately... Life is so good!
Hanging out downtown at the bike races.. until it was too loud |
Playing at the park! |
Prepping the plaster for footprints... |
Ta-Da! Now we'll always remember how tiny her feet were! |
Keeping on eye on the baseball game... keeping cool with her fan. |
PS: Have you checked out new pics on the photo gallery page? You might be in one! :)
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