April 11, 2011

Fly, fly little butterfly

HG has been quite the social butterfly lately!
First, we spent the day with Grayson at our house! Mommy got a glimpse into life with twins!! It wasn't too bad except for one hour in the afternoon when they did a good job of teaming up on me with the feedings, dirty diapers, and spit ups. All in all, it was a lot of fun, and I can say that I had "twins for a day." I have a lot of respect for moms of multiples who do this everyday!

Then we went to Jackson's FIRST birthday party. Here's HG meeting Jackson for the first time... (unfortunately, it was also time for her to eat, so she wasn't in a good mood). I know what the birthday boy is thinking... 

"It's MY party, I can cry if I want to.... but why is she??"
The party had me daydreaming about plans for HG's 1st birthday in 9 months...  and I am thankful that I learned a valuable lesson that day. Do not order a whole sheet cake... it feeds 80 people. Thanks to Jackson's mom for learning the hard way so we didn't have to! ;) That was a LOT of very yummy cake!

Finally, she met her newest friend, Olivia, who is only 3 weeks old!! Welcome to the world sweet girl!  

The cookout at Olivia's house was another opportunity to see Mason too... and the event was dubbed the "3M" party since all of our last names start with "M." :) 

Now my favorite new pic...
Pretty girl matches her bouncy seat!

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