October 21, 2011

Thrust and Thrush

Both of those words were prevalent this week...she officially found her "THRUST" and really began crawling all over the place. Yep, HG is trying to keep up with the four-legged family members!  

And I can tell she's going to require a very careful watch... she's already found some tricky spots to get into!

But usually it's all fun to be crawling and it's very obvious that she's pleased with her new accomplishment because there's a big grin plastered to her face. We applaud her consistently ("yaaaay!" with clapping), and she loves it!

She stayed home one day with mom and dad perfecting her crawl due to being banned from school. Our little girl had "thrush," which is an infection in her mouth. It seems to be clearing up quickly with the medicine. All we have to do is douse a q-tip and swab her mouth every few hours. She gets a kick out of biting down on the q-tip to give us a challenge!

So that's our news for the week... thrust and thrush. Actually, it was fun playing hooky! :)

Up next...the Pumpkin Patch!

1 comment:

  1. Just have to say how very much I love Hannah Grace and this site! I definitely appreciate and enjoy the comments, pics and video! What awesome parents HG has!
